When you’re ready to go beyond the surface of your life — words of wisdom for body, mind, heart, and soul.


I am Cheryl Marlene. I am a mystic, a futurist, and a trailblazer in spiritual consciousness and the Akashic Records. I’m really good at getting to the real, the raw, and the tough parts of life. I’m also really good at explaining what seems complex and difficult in easy-to-understand concepts without losing either the depth or the authenticity of the challenge or the joy.

What’s Spiritual Deep Dive?

Spiritual Deep Dive is here for those who are looking for that “something more” in their lives. Because you are ready to move beyond. Because you are interested in choosing your life for you. Because your spiritual nature can be both exciting and sometimes lonely or confusing.

Spiritual Deep Dive is for you when you’re ready to look into the depths of you beyond superficial cliches and outdated belief. You are ready to claim the power and wisdom of who you are and can become.

For me the spiritual journey is never done — so it’s not about beginner, or advanced, or freaking guru status. Life lived within the perspective of your spiritual path is about how you engage beyond the surface. Maybe you just begin with a toe in the water. And little by little you find yourself making the deep dive — not because your friends or your teacher or the latest, greatest author tells you. Nope!

The Spiritual Deep Dive is what you choose to do for you because hanging out at the surface isn’t cutting it for you any more.

What will you find in Spiritual Deep Dive?

Spiritual Deep Dive has two parts: a newsletter and a library of powerful spiritual content.

The Spiritual Deep Dive Library is kept on my website.

The content is mostly from me — excerpts from the new books I am working on. Information and messages I receive from the Akashic Records. Articles about working through the challenges and joys of life. Articles on the spiritual practice of personal power. Mindful moments. Podcasts and video. Monthly Q&As and chats via Zoom.

Plus, all subscribers (free and paid) receive the Spiritual Deep Dive newsletter 3 to 4 times a month. The newsletter is sent from here on Substack and there is an archive kept here if you’d like to see previous editions.

Why subscribe?

To Give Yourself a Moment for You

My hope is that when you hear from me you’re able to take a moment for you. A moment to think about your life and where you’re at. A moment to reflect on whatever is bubbling inside and pushing at you to understand. A moment to consider a new perspective and a new possibility for your life.

I’m not here to tell you what’s right. I’m here to share where I’m at, what works, what was disappointing, and why. So you can take it in and figure out what’s true for you, uncover your next step, and envision potential new directions.

I believe we are all here trying to figure out how to live our best lives. I’m doing Spiritual Deep Dive for that moment of A-ha! That moment of shift and release. That moment of Wow! Now I get it!

I am here reaching out to you for that moment when we all truly get we are not alone even though we have finally taken a step into the depths of the unknown.

Also, Spiritual Deep Dive is a Dialogue between You and Me

My best friend tells me I am in a constant state of epiphany. Or maybe I said this to her? Anyway, I totally agree.

I think of my process as many epiphanettes punctuated here and there by a good, ole’ soul-shaking epiphany.

Much of what I write comes from these epiphanettes, including articles, books, podcasts, and courses.

I see Spiritual Deep Dive as a dialogue between you and me — an exchange of my epiphanettes to fuel your epiphanettes — an exchange in which I hold the intention for the dialogue to be transformative for both of us.

Instead of buying a book with a static, never-changing form, you purchase a subscription to an ever-changing flow of thought, philosophy, spiritual practice, actionable ideas, plus the epiphanies and epiphanettes of my life and of folks around me.

Plus, you are helping me to sustain my livelihood as this crazy, epiphanette-filled, futuristic mystic I am committed to be and become.

What’s a Diamond Subscription?

Each month I publish 6 to 15 new articles a month to the Spiritual Deep Dive Library. Approximately 80% of what I publish is for paid subscribers.

I am working to create a publishing platform which eliminates the large corporate structure which usually mediates the contact between myself and my readers. Writing about spiritual consciousness and creating learning programs which help us take those powerful deep dives is what I do. A paid subscription program supports me in providing you with the great stuff of something more and something deeper.

A Diamond Subscription to Spiritual Deep Dive is managed on my website where I can offer very flexible Name-Your-Price options either monthly or annually.

Upgrade to Diamond Subscription

Stay up-to-date

You won’t have to worry about missing anything. Every new edition of the Spiritual Deep Dive newsletter goes directly to your inbox. If you are a paid subscriber, I send a weekly digest email with links to all the new cool stuff.

Join my community!

We are a group of folks serious about living life fully and exploring the depths of self. Most find around me they are no longer the only person in the room with a deep spiritual calling willing to consider new perspectives and speak personal truth. Use the chat function on every post and the Notes section of Substack to reach out to me, ask questions, and join in the dialogue.

Subscribe to Spiritual Deep Dive

When you're ready to go beyond the surface of your life -- words of wisdom for body, mind, heart, and soul.


Unafraid of the tough, the raw, and the real aspects of doing deep work, Cheryl dives into spiritual consciousness, the Akashic Records, and ancient wisdom as a mystic, futurist, author, and master teacher.